Foundation - Giving

Your Gift Supports Our Mission

In order to preserve the historic building and the artifacts of the First Baptist Church and to maintain its Let Freedom Ring Bell, which was restored in 2016, the foundation was established as an independent legal entity as classified under the federal tax code as a Type I supporting organization.   As a Type I supporting organization, it is affiliated with another public charity, the Historic First Baptist Church, referred to as the supported organization.  Because of this affiliation, the Type I supporting organization benefits or furthers the purposes of the supported organization. 

The foundation receives donations and the decisions to fund and support its mission are made by the Board of Directors.  The foundation can have one or more endowment funds to support specific purposes with other funds that could be used to protect and preserve the historic building and artifacts, as well as for educational and other programs.


We really appreciate our donors

The Foundation cannot fulfill its mission and vision if it does not have adequate resources and your support makes it possible for us to ensure that our mission and vision will thrive for years to come.  You will make it possible to collect, inventory, maintain and display all of the historic artifacts of the Historic First Baptist Church.  The funding will support education programs for the community on the history of the church and the many contributions of the African American community in Williamsburg, Virginia.

Securely Give Online

Your information is held securely by an SSL encrypted connection. This information will remain private and will never be given away to third parties, other than to process your scheduled contributions.

Ways to Give

There are many easy ways for you to give, including one-time direct gifts, text-to-give, online recurring giving, and bequests.  Each type of gift is unique in what it does, the tax advantages it offers and the most appropriate time to use it.  If you have questions, please contact us and we can assist you with determining the type and amount of gift that you are interested in donating.

Securely Give

Your gift helps us live out our vision to build upon an historic past in America's history.

Give Online

Budget and Annual Report

  • 2022 Budget
  • 2022 Program
  • Annual Reports

The fundraising goal for the 2022 budget year is $250K. The funds will be used to complete Phase I capital projects and to update and improve the public information spaces/exhibits at the Scotland Street location. The Foundation will continue to support scholarships for students interested in studying early African American history. Click here for a copy of the budget. If you have any questions, please contact Dawn Felton Morris at

Your Donation is Tax Deductible

Please consult with your attorney, accountant or tax advisor
with regard to your personal situation


2022 Program Initiatives

Program Initiative 1- Black History Month Program
The Foundation will continue to partner with First Baptist Church and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation providing assistance with tours during February. This includes providing information about the Foundation or sponsoring an activity or performance such as community choral group(s) or musician(s) to perform during February. There are no estimated costs for this program initiative.

Program Initiative 2 – Beyond February
What began in 1962 as Black History Week is observed today throughout the month of February in our country. African American history cannot be confined to a week-long focus or a month-long celebration. The Foundation will expand the observance “BEYOND FEBRUARY” with several projects that will run throughout the year.

▪ Oral Histories on Film – “Beyond February” is an initiative to “appreciate” the histories, traditions, and contributions of African Americans in Williamsburg 365 days a year. It is designed to celebrate the individual and collective achievements of those who have paved the way for the community to thrive. This project includes a partnership with one or more local colleges and/or universities to interview and record personal stories of historic significance. Interviews will be conducted on film, recorded, and used as a part of the tour experience at First Baptist Church. This project presents history from the people’s perspective. The estimated cost for this program initiative is $1,500. This project was delayed due to COVID during 2020 and 2021.

▪ Collection and Display of Artifacts - The Foundation will be assisted by licensed professionals in a review of the existing space, opportunities for technology updates, modifications to the interior design of exhibit space and the condition of the artifacts during 2022. The anticipated cost for this initiative is $100K. The Foundation has applied for a $50K grant and will negotiate a cost-sharing agreement with the church’s History Ministry.

Program Initiative 3 – Phase I Capital Improvements Project for FBC
The Foundation will work with First Baptist Church to plan, schedule and co-manage the restoration and rehabilitation of the historic building based on a facilities assessment conducted by local architects, Stemann Pease Architecture of Williamsburg, VA. Phase I of the Church's
2021-2022 Capital Improvements Plan includes interior and exterior projects. The exterior projects are roof repairs; window repairs/replacements; brick/walkway repairs; and a security system upgrade. Interior projects include floor repairs; painting; plumbing and sewer; and reception and restroom area improvements to make all areas handicap accessible. The work required for windows is necessary for life, safety and exit in case of fire. The windows on the lower level in the Fellowship Hall are sealed shut and cannot be opened, which is a fire hazard. The brick and pavement repairs are necessary for safe entry and exit from the building. This work will be funded by a combination of donations, church funds and grants.