Descendants - Sunrise Recommittal Service

Placing the Original Grave Marker

Recommittal of Congregants on Nassau Street

Unveiling & Blessing of 62 Markers

Eternal Resting Place - Nassau Street

2024 LFRF Gala

Pastor Davis and family greet Martin L. King III

"He Knows My Name" dedicated to descendants

Jonathan Butler, Celebrity Guest & Activist

Talented and Gifted Nadira Butler

LFRF President Passing the Baton

W&M President Rowe and Ed Harris, Gala Host

Our Student Supporters

LFRF Supporters

VPCC President Brannon & VIP Guests

Fun at the VIP Reception

CWF President & CEO Cliff Fleet

Director Holtzman introduces MLK III

Martin Luther King III

Rabbi Sokol Prays for Future

VIP Guests

Gala After Party

After Party Line Dancers

Worthy of Preservation

We will preserve, conserve and protect the First Baptist Church historic building, objects, landscapes or other artifacts of historical significance.  We will work with our partners in the community to understand and educate everyone about our past.  We will endeavor to spark a continuing conversation that looks at our history in different ways, asking ourselves questions about what is important in our history.  This is an important way for us to transmit our understanding of the past to future generations.  Historic preservation helps us to tell the stories of our past, celebrating events, people, places, and ideas that we are proud of; other times it involves recognizing moments in our history that can be painful or uncomfortable to remember. It is important to understand and share our place in the history of Williamsburg and the nation.

Learn More

Upcoming Events

Fri 3/28/25

CW-ARC Monthly Meeting.

Friday, 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

The Archaeology Review Committee will meet on Friday June 28, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. in the Archaeology Lab...

Sat 11/8/25

2025 Let Freedom Ring Fall Gala

Saturday, 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM

The Let Freedom Ring Foundation is pleased to offer advance ticket sales for the 2025 Annual Fall Gala. 

Please send additional information 

I want to support the Let Freedom Ring Foundation and would like additional information
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