Watch Out the Devil is Mad

The Book of Revelation is an apocalyptic book wrapped in mystery. It is a vivid account of the war in Heaven between angels led by the Archangel Michael against the angels led by "the dragon" or the devil. The Bible warns us about seducing spirits in the world, especially in the church. Any doctrine that contradicts the Word of God, as believers we must reject it. The seducing doctrine of demons has heavily penetrated our culture. It is with great sadness that this doctrine appears to be penetrating some local, state, and national branches of government.
The talk of nationalism has fanned the flames of white supremacy and divisiveness. Instead of being the United States of America, we are becoming the Divided States of America. Our secular and sacred leaders should be on alert for all enemies, both foreign and domestic, who pose a threat to our national and individual security. What greater threat can there be than an enemy who divides us? The demons of hell are crafty and cunning. The hatred, vitriol, and acts of violence are the direct results of the demons doctrine. Please note that these demons are angry (Revelation 12:12) because humans have replaced them as God's caretakers of the earth and they know that their time is limited.
Unless we study and understand who they are and their goals, we will be victims of the deception in the nation and the postmodern church. As believers, Our methods of counter attack should be to draw near to God and he will draw near to us, study God’s word to build up our inner man, and finally put on the whole armour of God so that you will be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11-18), If we do this, we too will have the victory over the devil and his angels.
What do you think about demons in our land? Can they be dislodged? If so, how do we evict them from our own lives and our nation?