Our Partners
As faith-based partners, we agree to cooperate to advance our mutual interests in Williamsburg, James City and York Counties. Our partners are other faith-based organizations; individuals, businesses, interest-based organizations, schools, governments or combinations that work to make our community better.
- We are involved in every aspect of our community, from meetings with Senator Norment to expand Medicaid in the Commonwealth of Virginia to our work in the community with the NAACP.
- We visit the elderly and the sick in all of our local hospitals and senior citizen residences.
- Our members work with the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a civil rights organization founded in 1909 to fight prejudice, lynching, and Jim Crow segregation, and to work for the betterment of "people of color."
- Our Care Groups purchase backpacks and filled them with food for children in the community.
- We partner with other churches in the community to provide shelter for the homeless.
- Our members work with All Together Williamsburg, a community organization bridging racial, ethnic and cultural lines.
- We volunteer at the Virginia Peninsula Regional Jail to pray with, and for, the inmates and correctional officers.
Our community involvement is not just for good PR. It is for the gospel. Christians, because they’ve been redeemed through the blood of Christ, are citizens in the community and the world. We are salt and light; we are ambassadors for Christ. Getting involved in the community is about reaching our community with this good news, using means that are available and legitimate. Our goal is the goal of the gospel - Living the gospel, proclaiming the gospel and advancing the gospel.