First Baptist Ministries

Our role

The overall role of the ministry leaders is to provide leadership, management and support to the members of The Historic First Baptist Church.  This includes the development of the church's strategic vision and direction for the next five to ten years, positioning it as a vital partner in the local, State and national religious communities.  The ministry leaders are responsible for effective budget and fiscal management; inventory and protection of all church equipment; maintenance of all church property; and forming excellent community relationships with First Baptist members and community.

For additional information please contact the Ministry Chair and learn how to get involved 



Name of Ministry
Ministry Chairperson
Email Address
Altar Guild Hazel Doswell
Budget Ernestine Sledd
Children and Youth Rochelle Evans
Christian Education Reverend Charles Bell
Communication Johnette Weaver
Deacons Deacon Benjamin Hundley
Directors Odell Bartlett
Finance Aaron Butler
History Liz Montgomery
Men’s Fellowship Ted Williamson
Missionary Society Linda Howard

Reggie Fox

Pastor’s Aide Betty Brown
Personnel Sharon Wood-Dunn
Praise Dance Cicely Garner
Praise Dance (Youth) Cicely Garner

Sharon Wood-Dunn

Scholarship Diane Williams
Stewardship Vacant
Sunday School Craig Lott
Technology Xavier Jordan
Ushers Phyllis Johnson
Women’s Auxiliary Elaine Crump
Women’s Fellowship Vacant




 We look forward to hearing from you !!