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Strong and Godly Men of FBC

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As we begin a new year let us reflect on what is required of us to accomplish all that God desires for us in 2019. 


We hope and pray the best for thee

To take your dutiful and right place

Serving the Lord with wisdom and grace

Be of good courage and of good cheer

Worshipping the Lord without prejudice or fear

Leading the endless freedom fight

Standing firm and erect for what is just and right 

Encouraging their brethren to lay their burdens down

And seek the reward of that heavenly crown

Practicing the fruit of love toward their fellow man

Helping and supporting them whenever they can

Be faithful and do not dismay

Knowing that God will provide a way

Keep your eyes steadfast on the prize

Until your just reward is realized

Be strong men every blessed day

Giving our Lord and Savior the glory

And when asked what it is you have to say

Tell them about the Jesus story

Pray that the Savior will keep you upright and strong

Abounding you with his blessings all the day long

Coupled with his divine Mercy, and Grace

And the reverent desire to finish this race 

Be the caretakers of God’s Holy Temple

Spreading his Holy Word clear and simple

Even when there are more downs than ups

And you are destined to drink from life’s bitter cup

So what to this poem is an appropriate end

In tribute to the FBC’s gallantly strong men

Other than to keep a vigilant and steady pace

And striving in glory to finish the race as the Strong Men of FBC!!!
